Step by step guide showing how to renovate an old overgrown fig tree
2. Pruning and renovating an old overgrown fig tree. Cut back all the tangled branches using a pair of loppers and saw
4. Pruning and renovating an old overgrown fig tree. Once the tangled branches have been cut back it is easier to see and cut out a lot of the old stems. Mark the ones you want to keep with some chalk
4. Pruning and renovating an old overgrown fig tree. Once the tangled branches have been cut back it is easier to see and cut out a lot of the old stems. Mark the ones you want to keep with some chalk
3. Pruning and renovating an old overgrown fig tree. Once the tangled branches have been cut back it is easier to see and cut out a lot of the old stems
4. Pruning and renovating an old overgrown fig tree. Once the tangled branches have been cut back it is easier to see and cut out a lot of the old stems. Mark the ones you want to keep with some chalk
3. Pruning and renovating an old overgrown fig tree. Once the tangled branches have been cut back it is easier to see and cut out a lot of the old stems
5. Pruning and renovating an old overgrown fig tree. Dig around the base of the fig to reveal the many rooted stems which need to be removed
7. Pruning and renovating an old overgrown fig tree. You may need to use a saw to untangle some of the larger or twisted stems from the base of the fig tree
6. Pruning and renovating an old overgrown fig tree. Remove the smaller unwanted stems from the base of the fig tree by pulling them away from the main stem
Permanet dmaged caused by using wire ties to a tree branch cutting into the bark embedding inside and healing over
8. Pruning and renovating an old overgrown fig tree. Clean up the base of the trrunk removing as many of the stems as you want.
9. Pruning and renovating an old overgrown fig tree. Treat the bas of the trunk with a wound heal to help prevent any diseases entering the tree
10. Pruning and renovating an old overgrown fig tree. The remaining two stems will form the basis for training into a fan trained fig tree
11. Pruning and renovating an old overgrown fig tree. Cut the main stems back to between about 30-50cm using a pruning saw. Make a cut above where you want the final cut to be to prevent the trunk from tearing.
12. Pruning and renovating an old overgrown fig tree. The cut stem will need to be trimmed to get a smooth finish
13. Pruning and renovating an old overgrown fig tree. Trim the excess wood from the trunk to make a smooth surface.